Anyone that tells you otherwise is a scammer, liar, or wrong. The market does what the market does. I can’t tell you if it’s going to go up or go down, but what I can tell you is nobody has a 100% correct answer of what is going to happen.
2021 Market Outlook
I’m long America.
I’m long Bitcoin.
I’m long Personal Development.
Sorry, this blog post doesn’t contain any juicy predictions, but I have no clue what’s going to happen. 2020 was full of curveballs, so I’m expecting a similar 2021.
Since everything in Las Vegas was shut down, I had more free time on my hands than normal. I spent a lot of my free time reading, consuming content, and learning.
One of my guilty pleasures over the last few months includes following the Million Dollar Comeback series religiously on YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and EVERY. OTHER. SOCIAL. MEDIA. CHANNEL (Mike we get it, you want your content to be seen…Joking).
If you haven’t been keeping up with Million Dollar Comeback, on July 10th, Mike Black didn’t renew his lease on his apartment. He got rid of all of his belongings and ditched his network and resources. He drained his bank account to $0. He basically did a complete reset on his professional life like an absolute madman.
You’re probably asking yourself, “what kind of person does this?” Well, he’ll get into that in his series, but since you probably haven’t watched that I’ll share his goal with you.
Mike’s goal with Million Dollar Comeback is quite simple:
My goal is to build a new business starting from $0 to $1 million in revenue in 12 months. I’ll be going by a new persona so I can’t leverage my background or create any unfair advantage.
He even created a complete set of MDC rules to guide him along the way. You can read those for yourself. I don’t want to just paste all of his website content on my blog.
The thing that I really like about MDC and this project is how relatable it is. Starting a business is tough. It’s a constant rollercoaster, both physically and mentally. Mike puts this right out in the open for everyone to see.
I hope he doesn’t quit on this project because my YouTube subscription feed won’t be the same without Mike Black and the Million Dollar Comeback.
No one wants to ruin their credit, but students who have never handled credit before find it easy to do.
Abusing easy credit.
Students can easily get approved for one or more credit cards, and then spend themselves into a hole by graduation — often on top of tens of thousands of dollars in student loans.
College students are profitable targets because they’re more likely to get high-earning jobs down the road and become loyal credit customers. If they do fall behind, parents often absorb the heavy interest hit.
Missing payments.
Skipping a payment is worse than paying the minimum. The interest compounds, and a “30 days late” notation shows up in your credit report. Missed payments will hang around on a credit report for seven years.
Paying bills late.
Even if a credit card account is paid faithfully, the issuer can opt to hike its interest rate if a cardholder has made late payments on other bills, such as car loans, utility bills and other credit cards. This is called universal default.
In a perfect world, I would hope that we don’t all have to learn from the school of hard knocks. I have suggested that financial literacy needs to be a prerequisite for graduating. However, the big banking cartel wouldn’t allow that, so your next best option is to learn the rules to the game.
Agree? Disagree? I would love to hear your thoughts. And if you enjoyed reading this,share it with a friend. It would mean a lot to me. ☺
This post was originally shared on Medium during the summer of 2016.
I’ll probably regret doing this, but here’s how I’m gambling my $1200 COVID stimulus check [1].
2020 Stimulus Check Portfolio April 17th, 2020
I’ll update this with my logic or lack of logic later.
Update: 5/26/2020:
I’ve checked my 2020 Stimulus Check Portfolio and as of 5/26/2020 this portfolio is up 34% ($415) in a little over a month.
2020 Stimulus Check Portfolio Update – May 26th, 2020
I’m an idiot. I’m not a financial advisor. I probably won’t beat the market. Everything in this post should be viewed as a gamble and not an actual investment.
This post was originally shared on Medium, but I’m backing everything up on my personal blog.
VR isn’t mainstream (yet). VC funding isn’t flowing into this space. Find a way to support yourself, business, and team. Don’t die.
2) Find paying customers
B2C, B2B, or B2G…build something someone will pay you to use on a consistent basis. Use their feedback to improve your product. Find more people like them and repeat.
3) Give amazing demos
Most of the people you meet have never experienced #VR before. This is your opportunity to blow their mind. #VirtualReality is sexy, spreadsheets and databases aren’t.
4) Skip the networking events
Less networking events, more coding and talking to users. It seems like there is a new VR event every day, but you don’t have to go to them. You do not need to be everywhere. Pick two to three high impact events every year.
Head down, hoodie up. Keep building.
5) Bundle the hardware
Most people don’t own a VR headset…let alone a VR-ready rig or laptop. This will benefit you down the road when its time to upgrade (upsell). Factor this into your distribution/sales process.
6) Raise your price
Whatever you’re pricing your product at right now, double it, if not, triple it. VR is incredible and the experience is worth more than whatever you’re charging. You need money to survive and improve your product. Charge more.
7) Use the best hardware available
Whatever rig you use for demos, always have the best hardware. If your build is experiencing frame drops, you’re going to make people sick. $100,000 on beautiful assets doesn’t matter if it isn’t optimized and runs like 💩
8) Do things that don’t scale
Paul Graham said it best, “Do things that don’t scale.” Whatever you have to do to gain users and generate revenue, DO IT RIGHT NOW! You can’t change the world if you don’t have users and run out of money.
9) Press doesn’t equal progress
If you’re chasing an ego boost, press is great for this. If you’re chasing revenue, spend more time talking to customers. Most of the time, press and articles feel great emotionally but deliver nothing. Chase sales and revenue, not vanity pieces and panel positions.
10) Don’t die
Yes, I put this in here twice. IT’S IMPORTANT! The VR industry has nowhere to go, but up. Nobody knows when virtual reality will reach mass adoption. If you can survive until this date, you will be years ahead of the competition. Be a cockroach.
This post was originally shared on Medium and adapted from a Twitter thread I posted in August 2018.
Statistica’s projection based on data from Goldman Sachs for the total market value of both VR and AR is expected to reach $35 billion by 2025. This market is going nowhere but up.
Below you will find my predictions for where I think the VR industry is headed in 2018. I hope you enjoy.
Higher Resolution Headset
As we approach the nearly two-year mark since Oculus and HTC released their consumer version virtual reality headsets, the VR community has been very vocal about their desire for a higher resolution headset.
In 2018, I anticipate that their wishes will finally be granted (as long as their wallet can back it up). After a long preparation starting with CES 2017, Pimax, a Chinese Virtual Reality HMD manufacturing company, launched a Kickstarter campaign for a marvelous headset offering an 8K resolution, 200° FOV, SteamVR compatibility and modular accessories.
Graphic from Pimax’s Kickstarter campaign about their 8k virtual reality headset.
Originally, their Kickstarter goal was $200K, but they reached that in a few hours. By the end of the Kickstarter campaign, Pimax raised $4,236,618 from 5,945 backers.
Virtual Reality Headset Comparison: Pimax 8k vs Pimax 5k vs Oculus Rift vs HTC Vive
On paper, the Pimax looks amazing. It answers everyone’s wishes. However, the big is question is, can they deliver? If they can deliver on their claims, this product is going to significantly improve the VR experience.
Vive Pro (Vive 1.5)
For those looking for a completely new model, you may be disappointed. However, the Vive Pro offers a welcomed update. The Vive Pro will have two OLED displays with a common resolution of 2880 x 1600 pixels (similar resolution to the Vive Focus).
Mockup of HTC’s newest creation, Vive Pro virtual reality headset debuted at CES 2018.
The new 2800 x 1600 resolution (1440 x 1600 per eye) has thus increased by 78 percent when compared to the original Vive. The new resolution should achieve a much sharper and clearer presentation.
Resolution comparison of the different virtual reality HMDs.
The new 2800 x 1600 resolution (1440 x 1600 per eye) has thus increased by 78 percent when compared to the original Vive. The new resolution should achieve a much sharper and clearer presentation.
Cut The Cord
In 2017, the general consensus was that the next big hurdle for virtual reality is obvious to anyone who’s put on a headset: getting rid of all of those wires. By the end of 2017, TPCast, a Chinese company, with financial backing from HTC, delivered a solution.
After multiple delays in their North American release, we finally received our TPCast a few days before Thanksgiving. There were quite a few bugs and quirks that we had to work out. However, with an active discord community and a $25 purchase of the Open TPCast software, we had the TPCast running flawlessly.
Demoing APEX Officer’s wireless virtual reality training platform featuring TPCast.
In 2018, I expect to see more wireless high-end virtual reality solutions reach the market. With the development of Intel’s WiGig technology, we can expect to see companies incorporating this technology in their wireless virtual reality solutions.
Although HTC backed TPCast financially through their Vive X program, I anticipate HTC will offer their own wireless adapter. However, we’re going to have to wait awhile because at this point HTC’s Vive division is stretching themselves rather thin and I believe they will prioritize the Vive Pro before rolling out their wireless adapter solution.
Predicted Delivery: Q3 or Q4 of 2018.
Tools for Developers
Although tools and software like Unity, Unreal Engine, and SteamVR, have made development easier for devs, VR is currently in a wild west moment where there is no industry standard. In 2018, I expect to see more tools, standards, and resources committed to improving the development process for VR and AR applications and devices.
I’m looking forward to the work that the OpenXR project, of the Khronos Group, is producing to solve this problem. According to their website, “their cross-platform VR standard eliminates industry fragmentation by enabling applications to be written once to run on any VR system, and to access VR devices integrated into those VR systems to be used by applications.”
OpenXR’s cross-platform virtual reality standard.
Enterprise Adoption
The professional and enterprise use of Virtual Reality, in my opinion, will skyrocket in 2018, with applications for education, training, rehabilitation, psychology, marketing, art and other 1000 possible usages that will start becoming pretty popular. Imagine virtual training and certification programs for everyone from sales reps to aerospace engineers.
New WalMart employee completing orientation using a virtual reality headset.
I don’t think we’ll see a case where VR will create new jobs in the enterprise setting, but rather it will be incorporated into the workflow of existing types of roles and jobs. For example, rather than have a welding trainee accompany an experienced worker to learn how to carry out a repair, a 3D simulation of the process can be created so that the trainee can learn before starting the job.
Simulator designed to train new employees on how to operate a forklift in VR.
Before all of these industries start deploying VR headsets to workers, we’re going to need growth in enterprise VR software and content development. The possibilities of VR in the enterprise are endless, and I can’t wait to see the ways it will reshape business as we know it.
Higher Quality Content
If you ask the average consumer, “why haven’t you purchased a high-end virtual reality headset?” They will probably tell you that, “they haven’t bought a virtual reality device because they don’t find it useful enough.” Unless they have a specific use case or FOMO, it’s hard to justify spending a rent payment on “video games.”
A lot of people in the industry keep talking about the “magical VR killer application,” that will make everyone run to the stores and buy a VR headset. However, that’s just a pipe dream. For widespread adoption, what we really need is more high-quality content.
Currently, most VR applications are just games or storytelling experiences. We need less zombie wave shooters and more social content, educational content, content for work, content for learning, etc. Additionally, we need more content and games tailored to different kinds of people.
The technology is here and has been for years. It will keep evolving as that’s what technology does. No one doubts that. However, the technology itself is just an empty shell without the content to drive it.
AAA Titles
I’ll admit it, developing for VR takes a lot of time and resources. The pool of potential customers is very niche, and the economics aren’t in the developers’ favor. It doesn’t make sense for studios and game devs to invest the time and resources into a project that doesn’t have a lot of potential customers. However, AAA titles will be the catalyst for VR widespread adoption.
Man demoing the game Robo Recall with the Oculus Rift virtual reality HMD.
Over the past year, we made significant steps forward in high-quality VR-exclusive games such as Robo Recall, Google Tiltbrush, Star Trek: Bridge Crew, Onward, Rec Room, Arizona Sunshine and more.
In 2017 we also saw a wave of VR ports of AAA games, like Fallout 4 VR, Superhot VR, LA Noire: The VR Case Files, Doom VFR, Skyrim VR, Payday VR, and more.
Man demoing Fallout 4 VR with the HTC Vive virtual reality HMD.
In 2018, I think we’ll continue seeing improvements in the quality and length of VR games and experiences, as well as additional VR portings of games (cough GTA cough).
Standalone Headsets
We all know this: 2018 will be the year of standalone headsets. If they don’t sell over 2 million units in 2018, I will be very surprised due to the low barriers to entry for the consumer.
In 2017, a lot of companies have started investing in the standalone form factor:
Qualcomm (with the Snapdragon 835 VR reference design).
HTC announced the Vive Focus at the end of the year.
HTC’s standalone virtual reality headset named the Vive Focus.
Although standalone headsets are good for widespread adoption, standalone headsets could kill the potential of this industry. If more people are using standalone headsets, the need to push the industry and the technology further becomes second priority. We need higher resolution headsets, we need better GPUs capable of powering two 4k displays at 120 fps. I’m worried that the focus on standalone headsets will derail what the core users and early adopters actually want.
Immersive Accessories
In 2018, I think we’ll see more and more accessories, of every kind, for every price. Examples of accessories that we’ve seen in 2017 and that we’ll continue seeing in 2018 are:
If you haven’t seen a VR Arcade pop up in a town near you, you’re either living under a rock or in a very small town in the Midwest. We even opened one in summer of 2016 in a Midwest state, so you’ve probably seen one.
In 2017, VR Arcades spread like the plague across the country and they were even more popular in the Eastern part of the world (China and Japan).
Virtual reality arcade in Japan.
In 2018, we’re going to blessed with both highly technological VR theme parks with massive warehouse-scale VR experiences and smaller, niche, locations that allow users to pay to use a VR device (like the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift) that you can’t afford at home.
Mario Kart VR on display at a virtual reality Arcade in Japan.
As the awareness of virtual reality continues to spread across the world, the rise of VR arcades will continue. However, this trend will reach a plateau heading into 2019. By 2019 the price of consumer-grade virtual reality headsets will become more affordable to the average family and instead of spending $50 for a family of 4 at their local VR arcade, they will make the investment and purchase a VR system for their home.
The actual applications for VR are endless. Virtual Reality can never replace “reality” (or at least, our perception of reality as some people claim there is no one “reality”), but it can sure help it.
Note: I originally published this back in December of 2015 on Medium. Reposting it here. My writing style has changed over the years, so please be nice.
How you spend your 20s is hugely important for determining who you’ll become — personally and professionally — in the future.
Start waking up early.
Countless studies have concluded that early risers are more successful. Sleep experts say that if you go to bed earlier and wake up earlier, your body will be more in tune with the earth’s circadian rhythms, which offers more restorative sleep
Start traveling.
Don’t be a tourist but a traveler. This will help increase your vision and make you realize how big and small the world is at the same time.
Start taking care of your health.
The simplest and most important action you can take is to protect your health. Once it’s gone, it’s really hard to bring back. Most people in their 40s and beyond would trade money for health.
Start showing loved ones you care.
Little gestures, kind words. It’s not about constant contact, but more about finding mutual ways to share your life with the people you care most about.…And if you have a partner, show your love. Take nothing for granted. Life happens.
Start learning how to cook.
You might live alone now, but chances are at some point, you’ll be cohabiting with a significant other and/or kids — and this skill will come in handy.
Start asking questions.
By asking questions, you’re getting different perspectives from different people. Scientists say this kind of curiosity and knowledge-seeking can strengthen your personal relationships because you spend time listening, and boost your performance at work because you always want to learn and improve.
Start practicing mindfulness.
Mindfulness is about becoming more aware of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surroundings. Experts say it can help you perform better at work because it allows you to deal with stress in a more healthy way.
Start appreciating failure.
Take risks. Merely out of our teens, taking risks and failing is the best thing that can contribute to the making of an adult. The more we fail, the more we learn.
Start taking alone time.
Experts recommend spending at least half an hour every day in solitude. Make sure you don’t have your phone with you: Researchers say humans need true solitude, away from texts and Twitter, in order to understand their own behavior and experiences.
Stop feeling bad about the past.
There are two kinds of people in the world: People who live their lives looking back, and people who live their lives looking forward.
Note: I originally published this back in July of 2015 on Medium. Reposting it here on my personal blog. My writing style has changed over the years, so please be nice.
Not everyone loves writing, and I’m not convinced people should love writing.
It’s hard work.
I have a love-hate relationship with writing that has been cultivated over several years.
In college, there is no greater skill than the ability to communicate. We communicate every day.
You communicate with your professors in person and through email; with our friends and relatives through social media, like Facebook and Twitter; and with yourself as well as larger potentially unknown audiences in blog posts and other ways.
You communicate even when you don’t think you’re communicating, and the basis for much of communication is still the written word.
Five reasons you should write daily:
Writing enhances your ability to communicate.
In this culture, communication is so often hampered because we don’t know how to express ourselves, whether it be verbal or written. If you have trouble communicating what you want or asking tough questions, regular writing will give you a mind for structuring words quickly to achieve the desired effect in a diplomatic way.
Writing will remove stress from your mind.
Writing can be therapeutic. It can be a way to vent all the pent-up frustrations burdening your mind into a far less volatile form. Writing can serve as a form of cathartic stress relief where you finally get to say what you can’t say out loud. Note: be careful, don’t burn any bridges in the process.
Writing will develop your analytical skills.
Working through your problems with a piece of paper encourages you to think things through clearly, in both linear (sequential) and non-linear (creative) ways.
Writing regularly online will build your personal brand and help with job seeking efforts.
If you’re seeking a job after college, you’re going to need all the help you can get. Instead of spending hours binge-watching Netflix(don’t deny this fact, I see your Snapchat stories), you could spend 30 minutes a day writing and have something to show for it at the end of the summer.
Writing every day makes you good at writing.
The ability to write well is a powerful skill to be good at nowadays. Write every day to keep your skill with the written word sharp. Like any skill, the ability to communicate clearly, concisely and aesthetically degrades without practice.
There are no bad writers — only inexperienced writers.
And that’s just the start. The full benefits of this regular habit are, ironically, not something you can put into words, but something that must be experienced to be known.
Over time, you’ll learn the power of interaction with your audience, and draw inspiration and lessons from the audience. But for now, just get started.
Note: I originally published this back in November of 2015 on Medium. Reposting it here on my personal blog. My writing style has changed over the years, so please be nice.
Let your curiosity grow into an obsession.
If you’re going the route of doing this crazy thing and starting a company, that’s got to be the product of some obsessive-compulsiveness around the idea.
It’s like falling in love.
Falling in love is great, but you want to think through everything. A lot of entrepreneurs are love-struck with their idea, but lack the passion to push through when the times get tough.
Spoiler: hard times are inevitable.
Become obsessed with useful things.
Artists can become obsessed with paintings they want to create, musicians with songs they want to write, and that’s wonderful.
However, as an entrepreneur, you’d better have your obsession tuned to things that are of use to people.
This is not about do-gooderism, it’s about making stuff that people need and like. This reminds me of the Y Combinator motto: make something people want.
You can tinker with ideas that are technologically interesting, or artistically interesting, but that’s not enough.
Don’t flock to watering holes; dig wells.
There are lots of watering holes out there, but if all the sheep are running toward the same one, it’s going to run out pretty fast.
Good entrepreneurs are going to say, “it doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks. Where are the sheep not going?”
If you’re a good entrepreneur, it’s like being a shepherd.
You’re finding a place that people didn’t know about and leading the herd there, instead of following everyone else.